Our 2005 Holiday Letter in Table format:


                     Julie                              Brent


Diversion      Pilates                          Ultimate Frisbee

New Skill      Fund Raising                Jazz Improvisation

Vocation       Kid Raising                   Software

Book             The Curious Incident    Hemmingway Short Stories

                     of the Dog in the Night                                   

Insight          Sleep is good                Not all doctors are Quacks

Joy               Celebrity Forum            Solving Puzzles

Frustration    Miscommunication       Miscommuni what?

Toy               Skillet, Trowel               Pinewood Derby Track


                    Scott (age 6)                  Allison (age 3)


Toy              Car                                 Stuffed Puppy

Career         Fighter Pilot                    Veterinarian

Clothes        Clothes?                         Pink Dresses

Video           Hindenburg Explosion    Shrek

Study           Math                               Painting

Best Friend  Many of Them                Jillian

Food            Pasta                              Dirt

Music           Styx                                YMCA

New Skill      Reading                         Telling Stories

Saying          Poo Poo                         Scott Said a Bad Word


Happy Holidays!


Brent, Julie, Scott and Allison



(408) 863-1252






Come to our New Years Party!


December 31, 7pm to 2am

Buffet Dinner

Kids Welcome


Let us know if you can come.